Big In Japan

The tall tales of living the good life on Ojika Jima in the Goto Retto archipelago. That's West (South - depending on your geographical perspective) Japan. The whimsy of the place will only be catalouged here for a short while, so get it while it's hot.

Monday, March 27

Musical Classrooms

Now that the year has come to an end and the seniors have all left the island to dye their hair and start college or join the workforce, the remaining students get to "level up" as we say in Japanglish.

This includes moving the entire content of their classrooms to a new location. The lockers in the hallways are also cleared out and relocated.

Here we have the students moving their desks from the first floor to the third. The freshmen and seniors are located on the third floor of the school. The students in between are situated on the fourth floor.
In most Japanese schools, the students are divided by grade and by class. Each of the grades at Hokushou Nish High School historically have had two classes -- one focused on academic studies and the other focused on electronics and information technology.

The school year starting on April 10th will only provide one course for the incoming students. All of them will enroll in the academic course. This means that the school is downsizing and after two more years, it will no longer include the size of staff it presently has.


At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When leveling up, does anyone roll a 20-sided di?


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