Big In Japan

The tall tales of living the good life on Ojika Jima in the Goto Retto archipelago. That's West (South - depending on your geographical perspective) Japan. The whimsy of the place will only be catalouged here for a short while, so get it while it's hot.

Friday, April 14

Light Randomness

I was sitting on a heated rug, spread out under a low, deep blood-red wood table at a temple in Migata when an evening at Cafe Netherworld I'd had six, seven or eight years ago crept into my consciousness. What was that about?

I had been gathered with the five older Ojikan women I do a craft with. We've been getting together every Tuesday night for the last year and a half to assemble these kits. We make dolls. They're called kami ningyou in Japanese and are most traditionally made for the Doll's Festival (O-hina matsuri) held in March. Here's a photo of what I'm talking about:

And this was my contribution to the display at the town's bank this year:

anyway, it was during one of these nights that I started thinking about Cafe Netherworld. ( ) In all of my life I think I'd been to the bar/coffee shop/pool hall maybe three times, but for some strange reason, I started thinking about one of those nights as I was spacing out in an onslaught of unintelligible Ojikan-flavored Japanese.

Then, I started thinking about how I was sitting in such a small, secluded corner of the world, among these women whom I couldn't really understand, but whom I felt and cared deeply for, and how that at that exact moment there were people clutching pool cues and drinking flavored coffee or hip cocktails in a dingy corner of a place linking intself to an underground heaven or some such thing. I then felt a little special to have been in both of those places at one time or another and felt special for probably being the only one in the world to ever be able to claim such a thing.

And, there are so many other corners and nooks of the great expanse of life playground that we get to make similar comparisons, and isn't that just amazing?


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i received your postcard yesterday
and i collapsed at it's graduer

At 11:39 PM, Blogger biginkyiv said...

I think a world with postcards is better than a world without them and I only send them to extra, extra special people.

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Sierra said...

Did you make that dog-thing? Is that a dog? And the ball-thing hanging, too? That's really awesome! I didn't quite know what your doll class was all about--but this is cool!

Thanks for a great weekend.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger biginkyiv said...

Oh yeah, baby! I did make the dog. It's the year of the dog, which I'm sure you know. I'm not so sure about the ball. I just make whatever they put in front of me. I've got no choice in my "ninjyou" outlet. Right back at 'cha, thanks for the rockin' weekend.


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