Big In Japan

The tall tales of living the good life on Ojika Jima in the Goto Retto archipelago. That's West (South - depending on your geographical perspective) Japan. The whimsy of the place will only be catalouged here for a short while, so get it while it's hot.

Wednesday, August 9


My ejournal needs a facelift. I shall change things around soon. I've got lots of pictures to post of my most recent adventure with Jodi and KC Spiro, which includes, but is not limited to, photos of the glorious buildings of Nagoya.

I also have to pour my heart out about leaving Ojika. I've only been on the mainland for a week, but I'm severly missing my bike rides and the fresh air.

More to come soon. I "yakusoku o suru" promise.


At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dawn you look great on the ferry! I will be anxious to see the pictures and hear more about your life on the mainland. It is always interesting to follow the adventures of Dawn Waldo as in where in the @#$%@$# is Dawn Waldo.
(Dad's comment). The first sentence is mine. Dad also wanted me to add that seeing the peace demonstration on TV ment a lot to us since we were there with you as well. That will always have special meaning for us and as dad added if it hadn't been for you we would not have had that meaningful experience. Parents


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